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Springtime is Termite Time - Get WDI Certified - Get WDI Recertified

WDI InspectorBecome a VPMA Certified WDI Inspector!

If you perform WDI Inspections and complete the NPMA-33 form as part of your job function, advance your career by becoming a VPMA Certified WDI Inspector. By preparing for and completing this comprehensive 1-day course and passing an exam you earn the designation of a VPMA Certified WDI Inspector. 

This certification sets you apart and certifies that you have proven that you understand how to conduct consistent and reliable WDI inspections and more importantly how to complete accurate reports that show your findings.

Two upcoming opportunities to earn this designation:

March 18, 2025 - Fredericksburg, VA

June 4th - Live-Streaming Webinar

* Self-study prep is recommended, so register early! To learn more about this program, including prerequisites, please visit the WDI Program page on

Already WDI Certified? Stay Certified by Renewing Every Two Years!

Having earned the voluntary VPMA WDI Inspector Certification, you have equipped yourself to provide consistent, thorough, and accurate inspections every time you complete a WDI Inspection. To maintain your certification, you need to complete a recertification course before June 30 of the year you expire. The same course used to certify inspectors can be used to earn recertification, you just don't have to retest, unless your certification has expired - in which case you will have to take and pass the exam. Sign up for one of the following WDI Recertification Courses to renew your WDI Certification!

Two upcoming opportunities to recertify your WDI Certification:

March 18th WDI Recert - Fredericksburg June 4th - WDI Recert - Live-Streaming Webinar
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