November 7, 2023
8:00AM - 5:00PM
VPMA Certified WDI Inspector Workshop
Earn Your WDI Inspector Certification
Virginia Tech Richmond Center - 2810 N Parham Rd STE 300, Richmond, VA 23294
The VPMA Certified WDI Inspector Workshop will be presented in person by John Singletary, ACE, and John Reid, WDI Chair, on November 7th. Technicians who perform WDI Inspections should earn this voluntary certification that prepares them to be able to identify wood-destroying insects and organisms, conduct consistent, dependable inspections, and accurately complete the NPMA-33. Self-study prior to the event is encouraged so register early.
Recertification credits in 7B and 60 have been applied for in Virginia and in the corresponding categories in Maryland, West Virginia, North Carolina, and Washington, DC.