Lifetime Stewardship Award Nomination Form

Every other year, in even years, VPMA gives the Virginia Pest Management Industry Stewardship Award to a deserving individual to recognize them for their outstanding service and dedication as a steward to the Association and the pest management industry.
Nominations may be submitted by past stewardship award recipients, active or allied VPMA members in good standing.
VPMA seeks your assistance to help identify deserving people who have made contributions to VPMA or the pest management industry that have had a lasting positive impact on the Association and the Industry.
Complete information is required for each your nominee - the only information the Awards Committee will have is what you provide. Please be particular about the specific reasons for which the nomination is based.
Please complete the form below and submit your form by September 3, 2024. Provide as much information as you are able to below.


First Name:
Last Name:
Cell Number:
I am eligible to make a nomination because:


Nominee Name:
Nominee Cell Number:
Nominee Email:


Contributions the nominee has made in support of the pest management industry, including activities that have or will have a positive impact. (2 -3 sentences):


Length of time the nominee has been known to the person making the nomination and any personal impact the nominee has made on the individual, VPMA and/or the industry as a whole.(2 -3 sentences):


Is there a legacy that the nominee created in their organization or the industry that has been or will continue to have a positive impact?(2 -3 sentences):
   - denotes required fields