NPMA's Legislative Day is important! It is our opportunity to take our industry’s message directly to our representatives. If you haven't been before, let us tell you a little bit about it. First, If you have kids - bring them! NPMA has a fantastic kids program that they will talk about for the rest of their lives! For us big kids, on Monday we learn about key legislation, messaging, and talking points. We also hear from some nationally renowned speakers, which is pretty interesting. On Tuesday meet with our representatives to talk to them about our industry and the impacts legislation has on our businesses. Nobody goes it alone – we go as a group. But think about this. If we don’t deliver the message, who will? Legislative Day is so important! If you haven't already registered, do it now!
During Legislative Day, the Virginia Pest Management Association (VPMA) and the Maryland State Pest Control Association (MSPCA) co-host a dinner event where attendees from Virginia and Maryland come together to enjoy some camaraderie, take in a good meal together, and prepare for an impactful day of visits on the Hill the following day! If you are attending Legislative Day and hail from either of these states please join us on March 10th at 7:00 pm at Equinox on 19th for dinner!