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VPMA Master Technician Series

Occasional Invaders - September 23rd & Termites - September 24th - Hampton Roads 

This career-advancing program is composed of a series of workshops investigating eight major pest groups -Master Tech Logo Ants, Bed bugs, Blood-Sucking Arthropods, Cockroaches, Occasional Invaders, Pest Flies, Rodents, and Termites. 

At the completion of each pest group workshop, participants will receive a certificate designating them as a VPMA Master for the pest group they have completed. Once a technician has mastered four of the eight pest groups, they become a Master Technician.  While 4 pest groups will earn an individual the Master Technician designation, most knowledge-seeking Master Technicians complete all 8 pest workshops to gain superior knowledge and control of just about any pest they may encounter in the field. 

Earning a Master Technician designation sets a PMP apart from your standard technician. When mastering a pest group, a technician delves deep in to understanding the biology, behavior, and characteristics of each pest.  For most of the pest groups in the program technicians learn to use a microscope and taxonomic key to learn how to accurately identify a specific pest. Proper ID can make a major difference to the treatment methodology and formulation selection to achieve the best control of certain pests. Once the biology and ID have been mastered, the rest of the course focuses on exploring all viable control methods, formulations, and tools available for the management of each pest group. 

Don't miss this opportunity to earn these two pest groups.
Use the link below to register for one or both pest groups!

Click Here to Register!

Master Technician: Occasional Invaders


Date: September 23, 2024, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Workshop Location:  near Hampton Roads - exact location TBD
Cost: VPMA Member $209 - Non-member $330

Recertification credits have been applied for in 7a and 60 in Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, Washington DC, and West Virginia.

Click Here to Register! 
Click here to read about the Master Technician: Occasional Invaders Workshop



Master Technician: Termites

Date: September 24, 2024, 8:00 am - 5:00 pmTermite Big Head
Workshop Location: Hampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center (HRAREC) Termites Identification
Cost: VPMA Member $209 - Non-member $330

Recertification credits have been applied for in categories 7a and 60 in Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, Washington, D.C., and West Virginia.

Click Here to Register!

Workshop Summary:
Out of all pest problems, termite infestations are by far the most costly. Nationwide, termite infestations cause an average of $5 billion in damages each year. All technicians will likely encounter termites at a customer's structure at some point, whether they are servicing for termites, general pests, or another issue. Understanding the complex nature of this pest group and the significant differences between species is vital to gaining control of infestations and providing effective protection for your customers' structures.

The Master Technician: Termites workshop goes beyond just scratching the surface of this pest group. The curriculum delves deep into the world of subterranean termites, examines the challenges posed by Formosan termites, and explores drywood and other types of termites. A thorough review of the biology and behavior of termites, along with the types of damage they cause, is conducted. Technicians will also learn to identify different species of termites by examining their physical characteristics under a microscope and using a taxonomic key to learn how to make a positive ID.

Termite WingedThroughout the course, we will discuss best practices for inspection, application methods, and control. Participants will learn the pros and cons of all viable products labeled for termite control and how and when to use different formulations and methodologies depending on building structure (e.g., slab foundation vs. basement), geographic location (e.g., sand vs. clay), and other environmental factors (e.g., wells, streams, drift & non-target impact). Conventional treatment methods are covered, but attendees are also exposed to new, novel control methods and tools. During hands-on demonstrations, attendees will rotate between three demos:

This workshop will provide even the most experienced termite technicians with new knowledge and tools to enhance their termite treatment plans.

At the end of this event, each participant will earn their Master Technician: Termite certificate.

Master Technician Termite trainers will include Dr. Dini M. Miller, Professor, Virginia Tech, Morgan Wilson, Ph.D. Candidate, and Shannon Harlow-Ellis, ACE, Mosquito Joe Corporate.

Email us at if you need any assistance getting registered!


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