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Make a Nomination for the Stewardship Award, due September 3, 2024

It's time to nominate the next VPMA Lifetime Stewardship Award Recipient!

It is time once again to nominate your colleagues and friends to be recognized for their outstanding service and dedication to the VPMA and the pest management industry. The VPMA Lifetime Industry Stewardship Award is given in even years to an individual who has had a positive impact on the Association and/or the Industry as a whole.

Who can make nominations?

Deadline to submit Nominations is September 3, 2024.

 How is the recipient selected?

When and where will the recipient be announced?

The award will be presented at the VPMA Annual Meeting in conjunction with the State Technical Meeting on November 13, 2024 in Richmond, VA.

Award Nomination Form

If you have any questions, please reach out to or 540/374-9200.


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